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The Importance of 'Self Care'

Isabelle Sagra

This week we will be literally melting into the earth in Anahatasana or 'Melting Heart' pose.❤️ A wonderful heart opener which fits perfectly with our theme this week of dedicated self-care.

Providing almost instant relief to achey shoulders and tightness in the neck, this wonderful pose quite literally invites the chest to melt to the ground, stretching the spine in both directions. This pose helps with stress and anxiety and brings a sense of calm to the body.

There are a couple of spaces left in class between now and Christmas, so come on in from the cold and join us for some cosy, inviting, nourishing yoga. Simply book by emailing Isabelle

2017 Class Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for the new yoga class term. Most classes are currently nearing full capacity, so if you have a particular class that you would like to join, be sure to BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment.

There are also a few spaces left for our Candlelit Winter Solstice Restorative Workshop on Wed 21st Dec 7.45pm, YMCA Dance Studio, Harrow.

We will engage in a restorative and therapeutic Yin-style practice focused on postures that release the hips, pelvis and low back to bring these primary energetic points of the body back into alignment.

We will unfold, surrender and release, working deep beneath the superficial muscles of the body into the fascia, joints and tendons, creating new space where we can begin to heal. Perhaps bring a friend of family member. It promises to be a gorgeous class!

I look forward to seeing you at a yoga class soon

- Namaste -


Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112

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