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Fall In Love With Yoga

Isabelle Sagra

Whatever it is that first brings you to Yoga - be it stress, anxiety, grief, a quest for better health or simple curiosity - yoga soon becomes a love affair. On the mat you are gently coaxed into shapes that allow you to breathe better, to open up, to release tension, to feel a shift in energy and a calming of the mind.

We invite our bodies to twist, unfold, bend, stretch, peel open, melt, go deep, unknot, energize, unfurl, balance, soften and our minds to go inwards, to notice, to challenge, to calm, to connect with the breath.

We walk away feeling like a weight has lifted, with a spring in our step and a new sense of joy and ease.

With time, once or twice a week feels too little and we begin to crave more, we start to need that time, that moving meditation, those moments of stillness, of awareness, of introspection.

"Do your practice and all is coming." - Sri K Patthabi Jois.

Wherever you are in your yoga journey, the key is practice, practice, practice.

As I guide you mindfully through the postures in class, my aim is to provide you with the tools that you need to take your practice with you into everyday life. Little tips on which poses to try for anxiety, for insomnia for backache, for confidence, for the thyroid, for the digestion. You should leave the class feeling in control of your own yoga practice and with time, able to confidently transfer what you learn during class into your daily life.

For one person this may mean rolling out the mat at home in the evenings and exploring a few restorative poses when the kids are asleep; for another it may mean practicing controlled breathing or pranayama on the tube on the way to work. Perhaps the office worker will take the time to down tools and stretch, or to sit quietly and breathe, stilling the mind.

With time you find that on a subtle level your outlook on life becomes more positive, you dwell less on the past and worry less about the future perhaps accepting better what is. Beginning to cultivate present moment awareness simply by noticing on a deeper level the sensations in your body, the workings of your mind and by appreciating your surroundings. Understanding better the need for space in your body and your mind. The space that yoga creates. The space where you can begin to heal.

I feel passionately that yoga is for everyone, of any age and fitness level.

Yoga had saved me on so many levels. It has cured me of physical pain, anxiety, stress and the need to be constantly busy. It has boosted my immune system, strengthened my body and quietened my mind. It has given me a sense of perspective and helped me to develop a far greater appreciation of my life.

It has taught me to breathe. Studies have shown that around half of all illnesses come from us simply not breathing properly. Breath work is threaded throughout my yoga classes and people often tell me after class how they feel like they are finally breathing properly for the first time that week.

Yoga can do all of these wonderful things for you too.

It is a huge honor to be guiding so many of you along your yoga journey thus far. If you haven't yet experienced yoga with me simply email me here to arrange a taster class. If you need more convincing, then take a look at the reviews!

Yoga will transform your life in a way that needs to be experienced to be believed. I look forward to meeting you on the mat.

"If you practice yoga once a week, you will change your mind. If you practice twice a week, you will change your body. If you practice every day, you will change your life.” Mehtab

Whether your aim is to get fit, to de-stress or simply to touch your toes, come and feel the benefits that arise from establishing a regular yoga practice. Book your term pass or workshop here.

Class Schedule:

Mon 10.30am - United Ref Church, Eastcote

Tues 7.30pm - Whitmore School, Harrow

Wed 10.30am - Harrow Arts Cent, Hatch End

Fri 10.30am - YMCA, Roxeth Hill, Harrow

Sat 4.30pm - Various Workshops, Harrow

Sun 11.00am - Harrow Arts Cent, Hatch End

If you haven't yet booked your spot then treat yourself today! This workshop will leave you feeling deeply nourished & energised, with more openness in your body and a calmer mind. By booking this class you can look forward to hitting pause on the fast pace of life and taking some precious time out to unwind and focus on self-care for your body and mind.

Suitable for all levels and highly recommended for anyone seeking stress-relief or a quiet space to unwind, this therapeutic, Yin-style practice will focus on postures that release the hips, pelvis and low back to bring these primary energetic points of the body back into alignment.

Practicing yoga in this way calms the nervous system and helps release deeply held tensions from the body and mind. We will unfold, surrender and release, working deep beneath the superficial muscles of the body into the fascia, joints and tendons, creating new space where we can begin to heal. Breath work and guided meditation will be interwoven throughout the workshop.

When: Saturday 27th May, 4.30 - 6.30pm

Where: YMCA Activity Studio, Roxeth Hill, Harrow, HA2 0JN

Pricing: £25 Book HERE!

Early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.

I look forward to seeing you there

- Namaste -


Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112

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Please consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. By participating in online yoga classes with Respira Yoga London, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release and discharge Respira Yoga London, Isabelle Sagra and any contracted teachers, from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of  Respira Yoga London, Isabelle Sagra or any contracted teachers' negligence.                  


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