Summer Yoga - Book Your Pass Today!
It's definitely been feeling a lot like summer lately! Come and join me over the coming weeks as we shift into the summer season. We will be inviting our bodies to twist, to unfold, to bend, to stretch, to peel open, to melt, go deep, unknot, energize, unfurl & to balance. Allowing our minds to soften, to go inwards, to release, to notice & to calm.
You can look forward to walking away feeling like a weight has lifted, with a spring in your step and a new sense of joy and ease. With time, once or twice a week feels too little and you will begin to crave more, to start to NEED that time, that moving meditation, those moments of stillness, of awareness, of introspection.
Wherever you are in your yoga journey, the key is practice, practice, practice. "Do your practice and all is coming." - Sri K Patthabi Jois.
Still not convinced that yoga is for you? Please take a look at the reviews!
“Yoga is the Journey of the Self, Through the Self, To the Self” - Bhagavad Gita.

Summer Classes - Don't Delay! Book your Pass Today
Classes are filling up fast so please book now for Summer term to avoid disappointment:
Tues 7.30pm - Whitmore School, 7 week pass, 18th July - 29th Aug
Sun 11.00am - Harrow Arts Centre, 8 week pass, 9th July - 27th Aug
Sun 12.15pm - Level 2/3 Harrow Arts Cent, 5 week pass, 23rd July - 20th Aug
If you have to miss a class you can make it up by attending another class during the term. For example, if you go on holiday, you can use up your missed classes by coming to 2 classes a week. I will be taking some time out, so a couple of classes will be covered by another instructor but will be taught in a very similar style.
Please note that weekday morning classes only run during term time, so they will resume in September.
What exactly is happening when you step on the mat?
We have all heard that practicing yoga is incredibly beneficial for our overall health.
Practicing yoga boosts physical and mental wellbeing and allows the entire body to function more efficiently. The benefits of yoga are well recognized; greater strength and flexibility; a more toned physique; improved memory and concentration; a stronger core; less risk of injury, aches and pains; improved posture; enhanced immunity, better digestion; improved sleep patterns, lower stress levels; less anxiety; enhanced sporting performance; boosted vitality and lower blood pressure to name but a few.
As such, it is well known that yoga practitioners tend to live long, happy, balanced and healthy lives
If you have ever been to one of my yoga classes, you probably remember feeling pretty amazing afterwards. So what exactly is happening when we step on the yoga mat?

Here I explain in plain English what goes on inside your body that makes you feel so good. Also how different poses affect you in different ways. Stick with it… it’s worth the read!
Yoga in the Park for Charity
One last thing! Please don't forget to attend Yoga in West Harrow Park this August!
If you didn't make it to any of my charity classes in the park last year, then here is your chance to experience the liberating and grounding affects of practicing yoga outside to the sounds of nature, surrounded by nothing but trees, blue skies & clouds.
It is also a wonderful way for our community to get together to celebrate summer, wellness and our beautiful local park that we are so blessed to enjoy. Let’s get together to breathe, energise and evolve, whilst raising money for a great cause.
To reserve your spot please click 'Going' in the corresponding Facebook Event here. Dates in image above. Please share this event with your friends on Facebook. Your donation of £10 cash on the day will go to Teenage Cancer Trust. Your support in spreading the word is greatly appreciated.

Updates will be provided via the Facebook event page ONLY so please keep be sure to like Respira Yoga's Facebook page and keep an eye on the event nearer the time.
I look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat soon. Wishing your a wonderful, joyful summer full of laughter and happiness!
- Namaste -
Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112
For inspirational musings on all things yoga and wellness related, please follow us on Facebook & Instagram