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What's on this Summer at Respira Yoga

Isabelle Sagra

"Sometimes your joy in the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy" - Thich Nhat Hanh

Hey Yogis! Summer is a time when many of us head off on holiday to find rest and relaxation and a change of scenery in an attempt to escape our non-stop, 'yang' lifestyles. But why not indulge and recharge with Respira Yoga right here, on your doorstep?

Summer Classes - Don't miss out!

Tues 7.30pm - Whitmore School, 5 week pass (£50) - 1st Aug - 29th Aug

Sun 11.00am - Harrow Arts Centre, 5 week pass (£50) - 30th July - 27th Aug

Sun 12.15pm - Harrow Arts Centre

There are a couple of spaces left so don't delay! Book now for Summer term.

If you have to miss a class you can make it up by attending another class during the term. For example, if you go on holiday, you can use up your missed classes by coming to 2 classes a week. (Please note that weekday morning classes only run during term time, so they will resume in September.)

Yoga in the Park for Teenage Cancer Trust

Be sure to come along to Yoga in West Harrow Park next Saturday 5th then 12th and 19th August, 10.30am. Please share this event with your friends on Facebook.

To reserve your spot please click 'Going' in the corresponding Facebook Event here. Your donation of £10 cash on the day will go to Teenage Cancer Trust. Your support in spreading the word is greatly appreciated :-) Updates will be provided via the Facebook event page ONLY so please be sure to like Respira Yoga's Facebook page and keep an eye on the event nearer the time.

Wondering what a Respira Yoga class feels like?

"Isabelle's classes are heaven. Come and join us".

"The classes are brilliant. I absolutely love them".

"Thank you Isabelle, for introducing me to yoga and helping me to find my inner strength and peace".

"Have been loving the classes, couldn't ask for a better teacher".

If you haven't yet made it to a class and are still not convinced that yoga is for you then be sure to take a look at the reviews!

Pose of the month - Reclined bound-angle..

If you've been coming to class you'll know that we usually begin in Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined bound angle pose) an incredibly releasing and relaxing pose. Reclined, resting poses in Yoga seriously renew your energy as they create openness in your body and calm the nervous system.

Yoga in general teaches us that getting to grips with the practice of relaxation is one of the most important things that you can do for your health and for your mind. Supta Baddha Konasana lets you stretch out the inner thighs whilst opening the hips and enhancing circulation to the vital organs of elimination and reproduction in the lower belly. It also creates a mild chest opening and calms the nervous system. And it feels wonderful! What’s not to love about this pose? One for your home practice definitely!

I look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat soon. Wishing you a fabulous summer full fun and rest!

- Namaste -


Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112

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