Late Summer Updates from Respira Yoga!
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away" - Maya Angelou

Hey Respira Yogis! I hope that you're enjoying your summer and have made plenty of time for rest and relaxation. It can be tricky fitting in time for yourself when you're juggling life's responsibilities but it is SO important for your health that you prioritise a little self-care and you can do so by signing up to yoga with me!
Autumn Classes - Book your term pass now!
Tues 7.30pm - Whitmore School, Harrow
Wed 10.30am - Harrow Arts Cent (term time)
Fri 10.30am - YMCA, Harrow (term time)
Sun 11.00am - Harrow Arts Centre
Sun 12.15pm - Harrow Arts Centre
Most classes are reaching full capacity so don't delay and book now for Autumn Term. If you have to miss a class you can make it up by attending another class during the term.
Yoga in the Park for Teenage Cancer Trust
Thank you to the fabulous yogis who showed up and gave it their all to raise an amazing £330 so far for this very worthwhile cause. If you are yet to experience yoga in the park with me you can look forward to a blissful, soulful class to the sounds of nature with a soft breeze on your skin. There is nothing quite like it. Be sure to come along to the last session this Saturday 19th August, 10.30am and lets raise lots more cash! Please share this event with your friends on Facebook.

To reserve your spot please click 'Going' in the corresponding Facebook Event here. Updates will be provided via the Facebook event page ONLY so please be sure to like Respira Yoga's Facebook page and keep an eye on the event nearer the time.
Autumn Equinox Restorative Yoga - Saturday 23rd September
Reconnect with yourself and let your body and mind rest completely while moving through a sequence of energy-restoring restorative & Yin style poses in this two hour workshop. Suitable for all levels and highly recommended for anyone seeking stress-relief or a quiet space to unwind. Book here.
If you haven't yet made it to a class and are still not convinced that yoga is for you then be sure to take a look at the reviews!
Pose of the month - Wide-legged forward fold.
If you've been coming to class you'll know that we always practice this deeply therapeutic post #prasaritapadottanasana . One of my absolute favourites. It calms the nervous system, works and stretches the legs, releases the spine and opens the chest and shoulders. Great for restoring energy and relieving back pain.

Yoga in general teaches us that getting to grips with the practice of relaxation is one of the most important things that you can do for your health and for your mind. One for your home practice definitely!
I look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat soon. Wishing you a wonderful remainder of the summer.
- Namaste -
Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112
For inspirational musings on all things yoga and wellness related, please follow Respira Yoga on Facebook & Instagram